Each year, Natixis calls for submissions from 30 Tier 1 quantitative finance Masters programs in Europe – France, UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy – to select the best theses conducted in their respective courses.
2024 Laureates
First prize
- Daniel Celeny Thesis: Cyber risk and the cross-section of stock returns in Cyber-Defense Campus (CYD Campus). Master : EPFL Download the thesis
Second prize
- Fares Feki Thesis: Reinforcement Learning Provides Free Lunch, but at What Cost? A Decentralized Mean-Field Games Algorithm for Multi-Agent Optimal Liquidation Master : Master 2 Probabilités & Finance de Sorbonne Université et Ecole Polytechnique Download the thesis
2023 Laureates
First prize
- Noureddine Ouliz Azouz
Thesis: Net-Zero Investment Portfolios
Master : Master IPP -SFA- Institut Polytechnique de Paris - Statistics, Finance and Actuarial Science
Second prize
- Tianhao Wang
Thesis: Reinforcement Learning Provides Free Lunch, but at What Cost? A Decentralized Mean-Field Games Algorithm for Multi-Agent Optimal Liquidation
Master : Imperial College - MSc in Mathematics and Finance

2022 Laureates
First prize
Olivia Pricilia
Thesis: Robust Variance Pricing vis Martingale Optimal transport
Master : MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance, University of Oxford
Second prize
- Alexandre Morisse
Thesis: Master SFA - Telecom Paris - ENSAE
Master : Application des réseaux de neurones recurrents a l'estimation des calculs réglementaires

2021 Laureates
This year, we received 18 theses from 11 different Masters programs, with topics reflecting recent technological innovation. More than half of the documents submitted covered the application of data science (machine learning) to market finance i.e. derivatives pricing, market risk hedging, cryptocurrencies, forecasting.The Natixis Foundation's Scientific Committee was impressed by the exceptional quality of the theses it received. Contrary to misconception, the quality of students and teaching in these key programs is not deteriorating but rather is absolutely remarkable.
Jean Cheval, President of Natixis Foundation for Research & Innovation
First prize
- Hannah Maidment
Thesis: "Hawkes Process-Driven Models for Limit Order Book Dynamics"
Master : MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance, University of Oxford
"In my thesis, I consider the use of Hawkes processes to model the arrival of orders in a limit order book and show that they effectively capture the clustering behaviour observed in limit order book dynamics. In a world where electronic, order-driven markets are becoming ubiquitous, the advantages of developing a meaningful model for the dynamics of a limit order book are extremely broad. These range from gaining clearer insight into the role of supply and demand in price dynamics to informing the design of electronic trading algorithms and optimal execution strategies."
Second prize ex æquo
- Rémy Vuillet
Thesis: "Rough Volatility: Simulation and Calibration", realized at BP London
Master : MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance, University of Oxford
"My thesis focuses on rough volatility models, which provide more realistic volatility dynamics for stock prices. First, I look at the simulation of the Rough Heston model and I show the tension between arbitrarily rough volatility and unbiased option prices. Secondly, I improve the benchmark for the calibration of these models with a neural network. Finally, I propose a straightforward method to estimate the regularity of time series using the signature transform from rough path theory."
- Thomas Hengstberger
Thesis: "Increasing Venture Capital Investment Success Rates Through Machine Learning"
Master : MSc in Mathematics and Finance, Imperial College
"The thesis explores the use of machine learning models to identify successful startup investments for the purposes of Venture Capital (VC) investing. The process of how VC investments generate returns is formalised and then translated into a binary target variable, which hinges on a future investment entry point and a subsequent investment exit point. To imitate how predictive models might be used in a commercial setting, three machine learning models (Logistic Regression, Random Forests and Extreme Gradient Boosting) are trained using historical data from Crunchbase, while their performance is evaluated based on the predictive accuracy on unseen data. The resulting models are able to correctly identify successful startup investments in 46-52% of cases within a 4-year outcome period, which compares favourably to the typical VC 30% success rate."
2020 Laureates

From left to right: Jean Cheval, President of the Natixis Foundation for Research & Innovation; Gilles Pagès, Director of the Probabilities and Finance Master's Degree at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 and École Polytechnique; Olivier Pironneau (on screen), Académie des Sciences and member of the scientific committee of the Natixis Foundation; Mathieu Rosenbaum, professor at the École Polytechnique and winner of the 2020 Louis Bachelier Prize; Nicole El Karoui, founder of the Probabilities and Finance Master's Degree at Pierre et Marie Curie University Paris 6 and École Polytechnique; Pierre Gasnier (on the screen at the top right), winner of the 2020 Best Master's Thesis Prize, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 and École Polytechnique; Charles-Albert Lehalle (on the screen at the bottom right), Capital Fund Management and member of the scientific committee of the Natixis Foundation; Lukas-Benedikt Fiechtner, winner of the 2020 Best Master's Thesis Prize, University of Oxford; Michel Crouhy, President of the scientific committee of the Natixis Foundation.
- Pierre Gasnier
Thesis: "Mean Field Game Theory for Gas Storage Valuation", realized at BP London
Master: M2 “Probabilities and Finance”, Pierre and Marie Curie - Paris VI University and École Polytechnique
"The subject of my work was to solve an optimal trading problem where the price dynamic depends of the actions, buying or selling, of the market agents. Mean field game theory simplifies the problem considering there is an infinite number of agents, but they have individually an infinitesimal impact. In my thesis, I show that the state of equilibrium of this game is not only the solution of a partial differential equation but also is the limit of a series of games where the market agents adapt naively their strategies to the previous games, giving us therefore two different numerical methods to solve the problem."
- Lukas-Benedikt Fiechtner
Thesis: "Risk Management with Generative Adversarial Networks"
Master : MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance, University of Oxford
"In my work I apply Generative Adversarial Networks, a novel machine learning technique, to generate artificial stock price trajectories whose statistical properties closely match those of real financial time series. Leveraging this generative power one can greatly enlarge the dataset available to estimate risk measure such as Value-at-Risk. An out-of-sample backtest shows that this methodology is competitive with traditional Value-at-Risk estimation methods such as historical simulation. The work also paves the way for future applications of GANs in financial mathematics. For instance, one could backtest trading strategies using artificially generated data."
Previous laureates by year
2019 |
Michal Kozyra |
2018 | Redwan Bouizi Thesis : "Financial time series forecasting using wavelet transform and reservoir computing paradigm", realized at Quant Finance Master : MSc in Mathematics and Finance – Imperial College – Londres Soufiane Hayou Thesis : "Cleaning the correlation matrix", realized at Bloomberg, New York Master : Master 2 "Probabilités et Finance" - Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 and École Polytechnique |
2017 | Aitor Muguraza Gonzalez Thesis : "Rough volatility: Characterization of VIX in rBergomi and extension to numerical schemes", realized at Zeliade Systems Master : MSc in Mathematics and Finance – Imperial College – Londres Jean-Christophe Dietrich Thesis : "Initial margin funding cost for rate products", realized at Goldman Sachs Master : Master M2MO Random Modelling - Université Paris Diderot Hayssam Sabra Thesis : « Currency management methods for international portfolios » Master : Master of Science in Wealth Management - University of Geneva |
2016 | Guillaume Ausset Thesis : « Ensembles d'Arbres – Théorie et application au scoring », realized at Crédit Agricole Master : Master "Mathématiques de l'Assurance, de l'Économie et de la Finance" (MASEF) Sébastien Geeraert Thesis : « Calcul de sensibilités par AAD » (Adjoint Algorithmic Differentiation), realized at MUREX Master 2 "Probabilités et Finance" - Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 and École Polytechnique Abdou Kélani Thesis : « Couverture Optimale des Garanties de type Variable Annuities en présence de Risques Financiers Extrêmes », realized at Laboratoire SAF de l'ISFA Master : ISFA – Université Lyon 1 |
2015 | Claire Monin Thesis : « Optimisation multiobjectif de l’allocation stratégique par un algorithme génétique », realized at BNP Paribas Cardif Master : Institut de Science Financière et d’Assurances (ISFA) - Université de Lyon 1 Julien Doumergue Thesis : "Optimal Hedging Strategies using Stochastic Space Barriers and its Application to Financial Products", realized at BNP Paribas UK Master : Master 2 "Probabilités et Finance" - Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 and École Polytechnique Shuren Tan Thesis : "Reconstructing the Joint Probability Distribution from Basket Prices" Master : MSc in Mathematics and Finance – Imperial College – Londres |
2014 |
2013 | Jiatu Cai Thesis : « Risque de Contrepartie et de Liquidité », realized at Crédit Agricole - CIB Master : Master 2 "Modélisation Aléatoire" – Université Paris 7 – Paris Diderot Jens Olov Michael Ronnqvist Thesis : "Default Contagion in Financial Networks" Master : MSc in Mathematics and Finance – Imperial College – Londres Olivier Daviet Thesis : "Commodity Futures Contagion and Diversification Potential : An Empirical Study in the U.S. Market" Master : Master of Science in Finance - University of Geneva |
2012 | Tung-Lam Dao Thesis : "Momentum Strategies : From Novel Estimation Techniques to Financial Applications", realized at LYXOR Master : Master "Modélisation Aléatoire" – Université Paris 7 – Paris Diderot Marouan Iben Taarit Thesis : "Market Liquidity and Adverse Permanent Effects in Hedging Equity & Interest Rates Derivatives", realized at GRO (Crédit Agricole) Master : Master "Mathématiques et Applications" – Parcours Finance – Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée – École des Ponts Paris Tech Adrien Grangé Cabane Thesis : « Étude des Modèles de Corrélation en Finance », realized at Société Générale Master : Master 2 "Probabilités et Finance" - Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 and École Polytechnique |
2011 | Anthony Darné Thesis : « Remporter les appels d’offres de retraite supplémentaire grâce au Liability Driven Investment », realized at BNP Paribas Assurances Master : Master Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – ISFA Mauricio Labadie Thesis : "Optimal Algorithmic Trading and Market Microstructure", realized at Chevreux – Crédit Agricole Master : Université Paris Dauphine – Master 104 |
2010 | Rija Razanatsimba Thesis : « Validation de Modèles de Valorisation sur les Marchés Électriques », realized at EDF Trading Master : Master Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée Martin Jimenez Sanchez Thesis : "Variable Annuities – the GMxB guarantees and the GMWB’s Optimal Surrender Behavior", realized at Milliman Master : Master Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – ISFA |
2009 | Anas Benabid Thesis : « Modèle à volatilité stochastique de Wishart » Master : Master 2 "Probabilités et Finance" - Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 and École Polytechnique |