Natixis will take part in the 21st edition of the Rencontres Économiques economic forum in Aix-en-Provence from July 2nd to 4th this year, an event organized by the Cercle des économistes. This year’s conference is devoted to “Embracing the future, together”.
This first economic and social forum since the country emerged from lockdown will welcome 350 key figures from the economic, political and social arena, from all areas of society and representing very different viewpoints.
The three days of debate will look at the key economic, political and social challenges facing us over the next five years:
- How can we rebuild our societies after the crisis further deepened fractures?
- What new model for capitalism?
- How can our country move forward?
Nicolas Namias, CEO of Natixis, will take part in the “Financing the real economy” panel, on July 3rd at 3.40pm CEST (Debate 23 / Amphi 5).
The conference also provides a platform for the 18-28 age group, with a young employee from Natixis selected to attend the event as part of the #LP1828 program – an initiative that provides this age group with an opportunity to express their opinions.
The general public is also free to take part in the discussions during this interactive event, and can already post their concerns, ideas and expectations on the event’s website. Speakers will take questions live during the conference, and all sessions will be available both live and in recorded format in French and English on the Recontres Ecomiques’ website and YouTube channel.
So why not take part in the debate alongside professors, business leaders, political and trade union leaders, representatives from student bodies, NGOs and think tanks and ask your questions on the theme “Embracing the future, together”
Visit now to share your ideas and take part in the debate!