The 10th anniversary edition of our Natixis Infraday conference was held on October 5th, 2021.
Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking welcomed 42 speakers – sector experts, financial and industry sponsors, debt investors and other infrastructure sector stakeholders – to nine panels, to discuss new trends that are transforming the infrastructure sector. 450 participants attended the event, which was held this year in a hybrid format, both on a digital platform of conferences and networking, and in person at the Pavilion Royal in Paris.
Convergence was the theme for this year’s event. This covered convergence between sectors, like Green & Digital, Energy transition & Transport, Healthcare & Infra, as well as between bank financing & NBFI, Infra finance & LBO. The Covid-19 crisis has further driven forward so-called mega-trends, which are sparking an extensive transformation across the entire economy. To support the energy transition, technological disruption and social changes, infrastructure must develop, transform and adopt new perspectives, particularly by systematically taking into account sustainable development aspects. All stakeholders across all continents are impacted, albeit at a different pace. In this context, financing needs and liquidity are plentiful and 2021 was a record year in terms of projects.
The nine panels addressed the major themes of these developments, such as key progress in the waste to energy sector, new telecom financing trends and green & digital convergence, financing needs and investment opportunities arising from energy decarbonization, with a focus on carbon capture and changes in healthcare infrastructure. Our economists from Asia, the US and Europe brought clarity on the shape of the recovery, which is still slow to emerge.
Replays of all debates will be available soon. Stay tuned!