The employment and recruitment website Glassdoor has announced the winners of its 2017 Employees Choice Awards. The rankings for these awards are based on anonymous reviews collected on the platform from employees across the US, Canada, the UK, Germany and France on their jobs, their work environment and the companies where they work.
Natixis ranks among the top 25 employers in France in the 2017 edition, coming out in 17th position (
).Natixis is committed to work-life quality, as the bank is convinced that a company’s long-term performance is achieved by reconciling the search for economic performance with consideration for its employees.
Its commitment to this approach is demonstrated by the signature of the 15-pledge Corporate Parenthood Charter*, implementation of the Work & Life at Natixis initiative and application of the Work-Life Quality agreement.
What is work-life quality?
According to the national cross-industry agreement dated June 19 2013, work-life quality “involves the atmosphere at work, business culture, the interesting nature of the job, working conditions, a feeling of involvement, the degree to which staff can operate independently and have scope for taking responsibilities, equality, being entitled to make mistakes, as well as recognition and respect for the work they do.”
Work-life quality is part of Natixis’ Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment.
“Work-life quality is instrumental in ensuring employees’ commitment and well-being. It encourages them to remain at Natixis and attracts new talent to the company. The agreement is a perfect illustration of our commitment to focusing on employees as the drivers of Natixis’ success”, explains Anne Lebel, Chief Human Resources Officer of Natixis.
Work & Life at Natixis: a corporate program devoted to work-life quality
In early 2016,Natixis launched its Work & Life at Natixis initiative, a corporate-wide program designed to enhance work-life quality. This cross-company multi-business line program aims at sharing initiatives already under way and creating the momentum required to build further actions. The roll-out of the “+efficient, +collective and +zen” label gives existing and forthcoming actions and best practices greater visibility.

“There were already a raft of initiatives across the company’s various entities, but we wanted to implement a comprehensive company-wide approach that makes the most of these actions and promotes work-life quality as a whole” statesCécile Tricon-Bossard, Deputy Chief HR Officer, in an interview in French financial weekly .
Work & Life at Natixis: a landmark agreement on work-life quality
Natixis and three trade unions signed the Work-Life Quality agreement on August 26, aimed at promoting work-life quality within the company.
The agreement sets out a general policy framework for French entities to develop initiatives intended to change practices within the company.
The agreement is based on four key areas:
- Create the conditions that promote high-quality work
- Strengthen the quality of working relationships and cooperation
- Improve well-being at work
- Better take on board the human impacts of restructuring projects
A wide range of tangible corporate initiatives
Roll-out of teleworking
Digital technology offers fresh opportunities to strike a better work-life balance.
Natixis has been gradually rolling out teleworking in France since 2015, implementing the agreement it signed in June 2015. More than 1,000 staff have already benefited from this program and work remotely.
Application of best practices on emails and meetings
Emails and meetings can be time-consuming and are often a contributing factor to stress.
Natixis has been involved in an awareness campaign among its staff on the appropriate use of emails and meetings in the workplace.
Innovative workspace design
Workspaces in the company are changing in order to reflect these new work situations, and they put teamwork and social interaction at the heart of the quest for performance and service quality. The new layout and design of offices for the Natixis Assurances’ Center for Excellence and Client Service (CERC) in Villeneuve d’Ascq (59) and the General Inspection & Audit department in Paris are based on these new ways of working.
The Expertise and customer relationship center opened up in December 2015. This dynamic working environment consists of a range of different types of spaces arranged in a circular configuration for different types of work situations, ranging from the most team-focused to the most solitary.
In September 2016, the General Inspection & Audit department moved to its new workspaces that are better suited to the way the department operates, and are particularly tailored to the fact that teams are often on the move. Open and social spaces offer a range of “flex-office” type work stations that are well suited to the diversity of roles carried out by these teams.

The Expertise and customer relationship center of Natixis Assurances in Villeneuve d’Ascq
*Charter by the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the French Observatory of Parenthood in Corporations in order to promote a greater work-life balance.