Natixis Combined Shareholders' Meeting was held on May 23, 2018 and approved the payment of a cash dividend of €0.37 for the financial year 2017.
Since 2013, Natixis has committed itself to a dividend policy much in favor of shareholders. This €0.37 dividend corresponds to a payout ratio of 74%, which means that this payment is above our commitment to a 50% minimum payout. Please note that this commitment has recently been raised to 60% as part of our New Dimension 2018-2020 new strategic plan.
- Ex-dividend date: May 28, 2018
- Dividend payment date: May 30, 2018
Net dividend per share and payout ratio
Financial year | Amount | Payout ratio |
2017 |
0.37 | 74% |
2016 | 0.35 | 85% |
2015 | 0.35 | 91% |
2014 | 0.34 | 87% |
2013 (exceptional distribution) | 0.65 | – |
2013 | 0.16 | 59% |
2012 | 0.10 | 37% |
2011 | 0.10 | 24% |
2010 | 0.23 | 50% |
2009 | – | – |
2008 | – | – |
2007 | 0.45 | 50% |
2006 | 0.86 (1) | 50% (2) |
2005 | 5.00 | 40% |
2004 | 3.30 | 38.8% |
2003 | 2.50 | 44.6% |
2002 | 1.50 | 62.5% |
2001 | 2.50 | 37.3% |
2000 | 2.50 | 35.2% |
(1) Following a 10 to 1 share split
(2) Calculated on pro forma net result
Tax treatment for dividends
The elements which are detailed hereunder are only a summary of the tax treatment usually applicable for cash dividend payments. Shareholders will therefore have to contact their usual account manager to get confirmation of the tax system they will be submitted to.
Natural resident shareholders
The tax system applicable to dividends received by natural resident shareholders has been deeply modified by the 2018 Finance Law, hence the tax system which follows is to be applied to dividends received from January 01, 2018.
For natural shareholders with a tax residence in France who hold their shares outside a share savings plan, the dividends collected from January 01, 2018, are taxable on account of income tax:
– at a single flat tax rate of 12.8 % the tax base of which is the amounf of dividends before tax (article 200 A of the French General Tax Code)
– or, upon express and irrevocable option of the beneficiary at the time of his/her yearly income tax filing, the dividend is submitted to an income tax progressive rate and is eligible for tax allowance to 40% of the gross perceived amount. The option is global for the whole of the investment incomes or disposition gains taxable during the year.
Please note that upon collection, whatever the tax system of dividend on account of income tax (single flat tax rate or progressive income tax scale upon option) the paying institution based in France will also make:
– a compulsory 12.8 % flat-rate witholding tax as income tax advance payment, except when the beneficiary natural resident in France has filed an exemption in the terms provided for in the Article 242 quater of the French General Tax Code. The amount of this withholding tax is to be deducted from the amount of the payable tax. Whenever the withhodling tax exceeds the payable tax, the exceeding amount will be paid back.
However, natural shareholders belonging to a tax unit with a fiscal reference income for the year 2016 not exceeding 50,000 Euros for single, widowed or divorced taxpayers, or 75,000 Euros for taxpayers filing jointly are entitled to ask for a waiver of collection subject to their delivering a sworn certificate to their paying institution at the latest on November 30, 2017 (Articles 117 quater and 242 quater of the French General Tax Code).
This dividend is also subject to social contributions withholding taxes levied by the paying agent at a 17.2 % global rate. These are to be paid even when the shareholder is exempted from the compulsory flat-rate withholding tax. Whenever the beneficiary has submitted his dividends to the progressive rate income tax, the social contribution levy collected by the paying agent is to be partially deducted from the taxable income tax up to 6.8 points.
These tax treatment terms should not be modified by the implementation of the tax collection at source planned for January 01, 2019.
Legal resident shareholders submitted to corporate taxation (ordinary tax system)
For legal resident shareholders other than parent companies and subsidiaries, the dividends collected by companies submitted to corporate tax in France are considered as financial products taxable at the ordinary tax system standard rate.
In case of parent companies and subsidiaries, legal resident shareholders holding at least 5% of Natixis shares and who meet the requirements set in Articles 145 and 216 of the French General Tax Code are eligible to an exemption for dividends collected pursuant to the parent company and subsidiaries exemption regime.
However, the Article 216 of the French General Tax Code provides for standard rate reintegration in the beneficiary’s taxable profits of a portion of fees and costs fixed to a flat-rate of 5% of the collected dividends.
Dividends collected by legal shareholders will not be submitted to social contributions.
Non-resident shareholders
Natural non-resident shareholders:
The dividends paid to natural non-resident shareholders are, from January 01, 2018, submitted to collection at source at a 12.8 % rate, whatever the beneficiary's country of tax residence. This collection at source is to be made by the paying agent. The shareholder who is resident of a State having signed a tax convention with France that provides for the application of a more favourable rate may benefit from a reduced rate provided they comply with the terms required by Law.
Legal non-resident shareholders or foreign institutions:
Subject to special terms of tax agreements, the dividends paid to legal non-resident shreholders and to foreign institutions are submitted to a collection at source at the rate of 30%.
However, the legal non-resident or collective investment undertakings governed by foreign law (i.e. mutual funds or investment funds that show similarities with the French collective investment funds) may benefit under some conditions from a total or partial exemption of the French collection at source.
Shareholders are advised to consult their usual taxation advisor to determine whether they are eligible to a reduction or exemption of withholding tax pursuant to the provisions of French domestic law or applicable tax agreements.
Shareholders holding their shares in a PEA (Personal Equity Savings Plan)
- The dividend collected under a PEA is not subject to tax when the application terms of the PEA treatment are met.
- The dividend from Natixis shares is not submitted to the social contributions nor to withholding tax when distributed.
- This dividend is added to the net asset value for calculation of gain under a PEA, upon withdrawings or closure.