Natixis won Gold for the annual shareholders’ meeting, ahead of Eurotunnel (Silver) and Suez (Bronze) in the SBF120 Companies category (excluding CAC40), during the second edition of the awards for Best Shareholder Relations organized by Le Revenu magazine.
This is the first time that Natixis is recognized for its annual shareholders’ meeting. This award pays tribute to the quality of the cross-company work done during 5 months by Individual Shareholder Relations in coordination with Purchasing, Governance and Labor Relations, Legal, and Communications and CSR.
The General Shareholders’ Meeting of Natixis was held on Tuesday May 19 at 3:00 p.m. at CNIT La Défense (2 Place de la Défense – 92053 Paris La Défense).
This General Shareholders’ Meeting was combined as it included resolutions concerning ordinary part of the meeting (approval of accounts, annual results, ratification of the co-optation/nominations of directors) and resolutions concerning the extraordinary part of the meeting (renewal of financial authorizations and delegations, update of the company’s charter…).
Opening began at 1:30 p.m. to allow shareholders who already had their admission card to handle the procedures required for registration and access to the meeting.
More information on this Shareholders’ Meeting, download the following information: