The Climate Finance Day 2018 and the COP24 on climate change highlight the importance of finance sector to tackle the issue of global warming. Financing will play a key role in fostering a low-carbon economy transition. Natixis is fully determined to support the collective momentum towards a more sustainable world. Find out more with concrete examples in our business lines.
Renewable energy project financing
The Coquelicot wind farm is an outstanding example of cross-selling, involving Natixis Energeco and Mirova, as well as H2air, a client of the Caisse d’Epargne in the Hauts de France region.
The Coquelicot wind farm houses 19 wind turbines and was developed by H2air, a Caisse d’Epargne client in the Hauts de France region. The facility will generate 80,000 MWh per year, which is the equivalent of the energy use for 32,200 homes, excluding heating.
Natixis Lease has set up a €25m equipment lease for the Renault Group to renovate the lighting for its main industrial facilities.
Green bond investment management
Ostrum Asset Management systematically includes material non-financial criteria in its analysis process for more than €250bn of the assets it manages.
Sustainable real estate
- AEW chairs the Circolab association, which aims to promote the circular economy in the construction and real estate sector.
- Natixis conducted the certification process of the first green-labelled commercial real estate loan certification in Europe for the DUO Towers project.
More information about our financing and investment solutions for environmentally sustainable real estate, here.
Natixis Assurances is determined to make an active contribution to the fight against climate change, and has pledged to increase the proportion of green assets in debt investments from 1% to at least 10% out to 2030. This investment target complies with Paris agreement goals for a global temperature increase of under 2°C by 2100.
Green infrastructure financing
Natixis arranged a $758m financing deal to build and operate the Cerro Dominador solar thermal project in Chile. The Cerro Dominador facility managed by EIG Global Energy Partners boasts capacity of 210MW and is the first project to combine CSP or concentrated solar power technology with photovoltaic power in Latin America.
More information about this project, here.
GREEN AWARDNatixis named Most Innovative Investment Bank for Climate Change & Sustainability by The Banker* This international recognition applauds our commitment to the fight against global warning and our efforts to promote energy transition, and is also a clear demonstration of Natixis’ aim of becoming a key bank in the green and responsible finance space. *The Banker Investment Banking Awards 2018 |
Experts views
“We are currently seeing a whole range of innovations across the economy that are related to different sustainable development issues. So in today’s context, including environmental and social factors simply means that we take on board this shift and this huge transformation in the economy.” Philippe Zaouati, CEO of Mirova
“The Green & Sustainable Hub reflects Natixis’ determination to encourage innovation and support its customers in their ecological and social transitions. In our business lines, The Green captains promote our green and responsible financing and investment solutions in all our business lines.” Orith Azoulay, Global Head of Green & Sustainable Finance