The Natixis Foundation for Research & Innovation awards grants to Ph.D students and provides funding to university research projects.
Ph.D grants
The Foundation regularly reaches out to Ph.D programs, business schools and the directors of Master’s programs and allocates doctoral grants: either full funding over a three-year period, or funding complement to complete a Ph.D thesis.
Conditions for complementary research funding
The Natixis Foundation for Research & Innovation also funds research projects and events in the quantitative research field.Funded theses
2023 | Victor Degorce Supervised by Professor Eric Monnet of EHESS Thesis topic: "Foreign exchange market, credit market and international transmission of monetary policies" |
2017 | Yannick Armenti Supervised by Stéphane Crépey of Evry University, Paris Saclay Thesis topic: "Clearing houses: XVA Analysis, Risk Measures and Applications to Centrally Cleared Trading" |
2016 | Yi Lu Supervised by Professor Eric Monnet of EHESS Thesis topic: "Foreign exchange market, credit market and international transmission of monetary policies" |
2014 | Chau Ngoc Huy Supervised by Professor Peter Tankov of Paris Diderot University, Paris VII Thesis topic: "Value of information in financial markets and applications to study hedging strategies in financial markets using arbitrage"Gustaw Matulewicz Supervised by Professor Emmanuel Gobet of École Polytechnique Thesis topic: "Statistical inference of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes: generation of stochastic graphs, sparsity, applications in finance" |
2013 | Géraldine Bouveret Supervised by Professor Jean-François Chassagneux of Imperial College London Thesis topic: "Risk Management in Pension Funds: Portfolio Optimisation under a Dynamic Solvency Constraint in Probability" |
2012 | Pierre Blanc Supervised by Professor Aurélien Alfonsi CERMICS ParisTech and University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée research lab, half-grant Thesis topic: "Market impact and limit order book" |
2008 | Andréea Minca Supervised by Professor Rama Cont, Research Director at CNRS and at the Probabilities, Statistics and Modelling Laboratory at Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris VI Thesis topic: "Mathematical Modelling of Financial Contagion, defended in 2011" |