For 10 years, the Open Diplomacy Institute has been promoting education and citizenship by involving civil society in global governance. To achieve this, the association gives people the means to train and inform themselves through conferences and training sessions. It also provides them with opportunities to participate directly, such as the youth G7 and G20.
“Natixis is delighted to support the Open Diplomacy Institute Open Diplomacy Institute, which nurtures a dialogue between civil society and global leaders. Following the youth G7 (Youth7) in 2019, we will focus on supporting the Institute’s gender equality projects in 2020. This significant partnership echoes our corporate identity, which stresses the importance of playing an active part in society and open to the world around us“.
François Riahi, CEO of Natixis
Why not represent young citizens at the G7 and G20?The Institute for Open Diplomacy is seeking delegates for the 2020 youth G20 and G7, held in Saudi Arabia and the US respectively. Recruitment is taking place from 24 and 26 January in Paris during a dedicated event – the Become a Delegate Forum. The young delegates will be tasked with representing both their generation and their country during the international summits of the G7 and G20. Following the recruitment forum, the selected delegates will receive training from diplomats and geopolitical researchers and will receive a grant to help them travel abroad.
If you’re interested in this unique opportunity, register here (French only) |