#Culture And Talents #Digital And Innovation
Published 9/16/19
Reading 2 Min.
Published 9/16/19
Reading 2 Min.
#Culture And Talents #Digital And Innovation

Digitalisation and general innovation are impacting on and transforming jobs. This represents a challenge for companies, which must evolve along with their employees. Broadening employees’ skillsets, also known as upskilling, is Natixis’ main response.

What jobs will exist in the future?

In twenty years’ time, nearly one job in two will be automated according to a study carried out by two researchers at the University of Oxford, Carl Benedict Frey and Michael Osborne. Similarly, according to Eurostat, 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 have not yet come into being. Digitalization, artificial intelligence, automation and robotization are fundamentally reshaping the employement landscape. The phenomenon is unavoidable and will impact all companies and affect a high proportion of employees: for many of them, the current trend means that the job they will be doing in five, ten, 15 or 20 years’ time will be different to their current one. Hence the importance of helping employees to acquire new skills that will allow them to retain, or even increase, their employability and to ensure a smooth progression in their careers.

Natixis has recognized the scale of the challenge ahead; each year it draws up an employment map. This allows Natixis to identify jobs and positions that are undergoing transformation, and to respond accordingly. Thus, in 2019, Natixis identified 35 jobs that are undergoing transformation in one or more business lines. Nearly 2,000 workers, or 16.9% of the full-time workforce in France, are affected.


“Creating a dynamic” in the company

One of the main responses to the transformation of jobs is training and improving employees’ skills, in order to adapt to the evolution of their roles, or else to consider career moves” says Cécile Tricon-Bossard, Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer at Natixis. “Indeed, there is a section dedicated to the subject in the 2017 GCPE* agreement between Natixis and its social partners. This aims to identify jobs that are undergoing transformation, to evaluate the impact of that transformation on skills and to propose a support plan tailored to the needs of Natixis’ employees. We want to create a dynamic that allows everyone to be proactive in their professional development and to maintain their employability“, she emphasizes. “Improving workers’ skills is in any case necessary to optimize the company’s performance and remain in the technological race.

Amongst several other initiatives, an upskilling programme has just been launched at Natixis, targeting around forty workers in the operations and IT departments. The pilot initiative allows employees to benefit from a programme tailored according to their needs: skills assessments, experience validation programmes and, where necessary, the possibility of building a qualifying itinerary that helps them to change careers.

The training programmes have been put together in partnership with several renowned institutions, such as the École polytechnique and Paris Tech, which offer qualifying courses through market-recognized certificates. Employees will identify their specific needs with the help of their managers and members of the human resources department. This proactive approach will allow them to remain in control of their careers.

The upskilling programme is part of our active policy of talent development, which aims to provide each and every employee with the means to evolve and grow in the heart of the company. It is accompanied by the option of broader training, allowing workers to continually update their skills. This will help them to remain productive and above all to develop new skills, such as an ability to work together. “Continuous learning has become a necessity; as an employer we must follow this trend. It is a guarantee of collective performance and the best way for everyone to seize new opportunities“, says Cécile Tricon-Bossard. With a large part of today dedicated to soft skills, the renowned skills of the future. Stay tuned for more…


* Jobs and skills management planning