With more than 12,500 staff worldwide, Global Financial Services business unit has a significant direct impact on the environment. We carefully manage our use of resources and ensure responsible management of our buildings, while offering more environmentally friendly mobility practices to curb our environmental footprint.
Reducing our use of resources
Our priorities are to reduce our use of energy, develop a responsible digital policy and strive towards zero waste practices.
Energy use
The Energy consumption managed from France has been decreasing the past years. Between 2017 and 2020, consumption per FTE fell by 26%, amplified by the health crisis.
With the signing of the Paris Climate Action Charter (2015) in France, we have committed to reducing our energy consumption in Ile-de-France by 30% by 2020 (base 2010). This target was exceeded with a decrease of 47% between 2010 and 2020.
These results are linked to Natixis’ participation in the CUBE 2020 energy saving competition, organized by the French Institute for Building Energy Performance.
After obtaining 2 medals in 2018-2019 for one of our building, in 2020 the Avant-Seine building of BPCE SA won the “Golden Cube” in the tertiary building category of more than 30,000 m² (See video below).
Responsible digital strategy
In the current increasingly digital business world, responsible digital challenges are key for us.
We signed the French Responsible Digital Institute charter in 2019 and rolled out a responsible digital strategy, based on:
- Green for IT to reduce our digital environmental footprint via responsible purchasing, and re-use or recycling for used products (See video below);
- Responsible design to promote eco-design best practices for applications and data, as well as equipment;
- IT for Green to consider how IT can be used to support the environment, by helping reduce travel in particular.
Waste reduction
In addition to waste sorting systems that have been extensively rolled out in our buildings, Natixis is also committed to reducing its waste and gradually moving towards a zero-waste goal.
Since 2019, plastic and disposable cups for water fountains have been completely eliminated from buildings in France and internationally, saving 3.5 million cups per year. In France, in 2020, the process continued with the elimination of plastic water bottles.
A process of reusing and upgrading unused furniture was also initiated in 2020: more than 1,000 office chairs and 700 office desks were reused as part of new settlements in Ile de France.
Developing our urban garden and revegetation spaces
Natixis signed the 100 Hectares charter in 2017, and is committed to
- developing revegetation and urban garden projects in its buildings and future locations in Paris;
- promoting revegetation of buildings that is environmentally friendly and contributes to biodiversity in Paris and water management, with pesticide-free maintenance that also uses water sparingly;
- sharing knowledge with partner companies, our employees and all stakeholders involved in these initiatives.
Changing the way we travel
We support alternatives to personal vehicles for both commuting and for our staff travelling between office buildings:
- Developing infrastructure to encourage the use of bikes;
- Setting up electric charging stations for cars and motorbikes;
- Expanding teleworking;
- Encouraging carpooling.
Our intercompany mobility program was launched in 2018 and covers more than 80% of our office buildings in the Paris and greater Paris area (26 buildings for Natixis, BPCE SA and their subsidiaries), and involves more than 10,000 staff.
In 2020, travel between home and work as well as travel between the company’s buildings were drastically reduced due to the health context of Covid-19, and employees largely used the bicycle.
That same year, a survey was carried out among all employees in France to better understand their habits and expectations in terms of home-work and inter-site travel. The results of the survey were used to feed into the work of the new Employer Mobility Plan, reflections on the development of our buildings and the response to the French Law on transports.
To support the growing use of bicycles, Natixis has created 200 additional secure parking spaces for bicycles in Ile-de-France, now displaying more than 850 bicycle parking spaces.
MANAGING our Carbon Footprint
A carbon assessment is conducted each year for Natixis’ French scope, based on the ADEME Bilan carbone method.The carbon assessment for 2019 came to 82,000 tons of CO2 equivalent, a decrease vs. 2018.