Last October 02, at the annual Agefi awards, Natixis was awarded the Shareholder prize for Shareholder democracy, information transparency and communications quality in the SBF 80 category (excluding CAC 40):
This award that Natixis receives for the first time distinguishes the work of the Shareholder Relations’, Investor Relations’ and of Corporate Governance’s teams.
This prize recognizes:
– the existence of a Shareholder Consulting Committee
– the organization of information meetings for shareholders
– the General Meeting convening notice and its translation into English
– the existence of a user-friendly Internet space dedicated to the Annual Shareholder General Meetings
– distinct resolutions for each regulated convention
– the use of VOTACCESS for the company
– the edition of a summary of the Annual General Meeting on the Internet site of the company
– the publication of the questions and answers session of the General Assembly
– the availability of a video recording of the General Assembly on the Internet site of the company.
About Natixis’ Shareholders Relations
Natixis’ Individual shareholder relations and communication platform has three main access points:
- A toll-free number (from a landline in France: 0800 41 41 41) available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (except on public holidays). This number provides access to an interactive voice response system that gives round-the-clock access to the share price.
- A dedicated e-mail address (, managed directly by the Individual Shareholder Relations team, enables individual shareholders to send questions to the Company.
- The website (
– contains company information;
– collects more specifically in the “Investor Relations” section the company’s press releases, calendar and financial news;
– includes all editorial content and documents for shareholders and especially all issues of the Shareholder Annual Newsletter and the Shareholder Guide in the “Individual Shareholder Corner”.
The following two bodies also coordinate relations with individual investors:
It was created in 2007 and has 15,080 members.
Among them, more of 6,200 are e.members, i.e. members who have chosen to use exclusively the Internet to receive information.
Shareholder Club members are regularly updated on Natixis news. They receive:
– monthly Newsletters focusing on the Shareholder Club highlights and company financial news,
– an interactive multimedia version of the Shareholder Newsletter,
– periodical invitations to events relating to our sponsorship policy.
Members may also access a dedicated website: containing information about the Club and its Program of activities (interactive Shareholder Newsletters, video conferences, chats, economic videos, events related to Natixis sponsorship policy, etc.).
Shareholder Club members take part in events included in the Program of Activities.
Any Shareholder who takes the voluntary approach to subscribe may join the Shareholder Club provided they hold at least one (1) registered or bearer share. Becoming a member of Natixis Shareholder Club is free of charge.
Click here to sign in (In French only). Once you access the dedicated page, click on « Je souhaite m’inscrire » (I wish to join in).
- Natixis Shareholder Consultative Committee (CCAN)
Created in 2008, the Committee is in charge of all aspects of financial communication meant for individual investors, and especially the two main meetings with shareholders, i.e. the Shareholders’ Meetings and the Actionaria Investor Forum.
• The CCAN is an advisory body and a think tank composed of 12 members who represent Natixis’ individual shareholders. These members are themselves individual shareholders chosen through an application process that includes several interviews. A third of its members are renewed each year. Any interested shareholder may apply all year long.